
  • After you have selected the products, go to the shopping cart. Specify your contact details. Then click the "Proceed to payment" button. Before doing so, read the Privacy Policy and confirm your agreement with it.
  • Choose a convenient delivery method. After that, the system will take you to the page for entering card data. Enter the required information, check it, and click the "Pay" button
You can pay for the order on the website with the following cards:
  • Visa
  • MasterCard
  • World UnionPay
  • SBP
  • Cryptocurrency
We use modern methods of verification, encryption, and data transmission over secure communication channels. All transactions are protected by the 3DS-Secure system. We do not receive or store your credit card data
Payment Security
Payment methods
How do I pay for my order?
We offer a wide delivery area covering:
Russia, CIS countries (Belarus, Kazakhstan, Armenia, Kyrgyzstan), the USA, and Germany.
Ways to receive an order:
  • SDEK (more than 800 order pick-up points in Russia) to the branch and to the customer's door
  • DHL
Order delivery time:
1 to 7 days within Russia and 10 days to CIS countries

We deliver throughout Russia, the CIS countries, the EU, and the USA

Условия хранения и транспортировки препаратов

General storage conditions
Additional instructions
General storage conditions
Saxenda: Use within one month after opening the pen
Munjaro: After opening, it can be stored at room temperature (for no more than 21 days)
Ozempic: Store in a refrigerator until first use. After first use, the pen can be stored for 56 days at room temperature (15°C to 30°C) or for another 56 days in the refrigerator
Saxenda: Transportation at temperatures up to 25 °C is permitted for 6 hours
Munjaro: Short-term (no more than 24 hours) transportation is permitted at temperatures not exceeding 20°C
Temperature: 2−8°C (refrigerated), short-term storage at room temperature is permitted
Protection: Store in a dark place, out of reach of children
Do not freeze: Frozen preparations must not be used
By all types of covered transport in light-proof containers at a temperature of 2 °C to 8°C
Additional instructions
General storage conditions
Saxenda: Use within one month after opening the pen
Munjaro: After opening, it can be stored at room temperature (for no more than 21 days)
Ozempic: Store in a refrigerator until first use. After first use, the pen can be stored for 56 days at room temperature (15°C to 30°C) or for another 56 days in the refrigerator
Saxenda: Transportation at temperatures up to 25 °C is permitted for 6 hours
Munjaro: Short-term (no more than 24 hours) transportation is permitted at temperatures not exceeding 20 °C
Temperature: 2−8°C (refrigerated), short-term storage at room temperature is permitted
Protection: Store in a dark place, out of reach of children
Do not freeze: Frozen preparations must not be used
By all types of covered transport in light-proof containers at a temperature of 2 °C to 8°C
Additional instructions